Chance Growths of Desire, and Colder.

My degree show body of work Chance growths of desire, and colder inhabits a realm of theatre. Costume, set design, decadence, decay, and the suspension of disbelief form the vocabulary. I aim to capture the complexity of disgust and decay, as well as the emotional and psychological reactions that it evokes. I am particularly interested in the way that decay and disgust can be unsettling as well as strangely enticing. These contradictory forces contribute to work that strives to conjure the individual viewer’s reactions. The work highlights the sometimes nonsensical nature of disgust, as in many cases the objects themselves are not of any real harm, i.e: unsanitary or contaminating. The sculptural objects are made by utilising often foul or forgotten materials such as rotten wood, tinned foods, discarded fabrics, urine and glass, and are shown alongside paintings on canvas which pose as strange indications of the landscape of the world of the work.